Saturday, December 8, 2012

Banned By YouTube!

Maria Sulkin describes her blow job technique:

Brian Seiken is a liar & a coward:

Monday, December 3, 2012

Big Sexless

I wrote a comment to EatFeats the other day. Of course OJ didn't have the balls to post it.Here it is:
On the thread Nov 25 2012 9:03 am:
The horse-faced housewife from PA is finally right about something.(Strange, coming from the nincompoop who encouraged the morbidly obese Millender to do more eating challenges.)
Beard looked like he was ready to croak when i interviewed him 2 years ago. To be compared with Jarvis, who has a tumor growing out of his face every other week, is bad enough, but does anyone want to look like Booker or Menchetti in ten years?
On a side note, when you pray for me please do it in that phony Brooklyn accent. (I could probably jerk off to that.)

I made a couple of comments today; chances are OJ, cunt that she is, won't post them.I'm gonna wait 2 hours & post them here if she doesn't.
On another matter, is rehashing the same old lies about Stoler, Menchetti, & everything else his limited imagination can conjure. About the nonsense of me improving G-Joe's sex life: Does anyone, besides pedophile Seiken believe anything this criminal says? This sub-human turd can't tell the truth, lest he be put in jail & considering all the salted meat he has ingested I doubt he's even gotten a hard-on in the last 5 years. Besides, his wife Tracy is a fat ugly cow so who cares anyway?

Monday, November 19, 2012

MLE to Eaters: DROP DEAD!

On October 30th, 2012 a hurricane hit NYC & it's surrounding areas. It was the worst storm to hit these parts in recorded history. Many of MLE's top stars(if you can call them that-the proud, the few, the IFOCE) were without power for days, some stranded due to the flooding & devastation.
Meanwhile George Shea sat in his mansion & laughed his balls off at these saps.He particularly was pleased to hear that the faux hipsters & pseudo intellectuals who live below 23rd St. in Manhattan got screwed.
When one actually reached out to him for help his reply was, "You're on your own." Shea's only concern was that the muscle relaxing drugs he supplies to his gurgitators wouldn't be able to be delivered in time for his next phony contest.
Poor pervert Brian Seiken was without internet & missed his beloved kiddie porn for nearly two weeks.Even a trip to the peep shows in Times Square couldn't satisfy him, as all the "models" are of legal age.
The mothers of Midwood, Brooklyn had no idea what kind of danger their children were in with this sicko predator hungry for toddlers loose in their neighborhood.Based on his psychological profile this ogre wouldn't think twice about abducting & chopping up a little kid.That's what sick old horny Jews do.
Meanwhile in Moonachie, New Jersey a former MLE eater had to run for the hills when his decrepit trailer was washed away by the storm.Here are some of the options this rotund weirdo pondered:
1.Moving in with sicko Seiken.That way they both finally would have a friend.Also they could take turns bending over for each other.It would be the first time either one of them got laid since the Raygun administration.
2.Rent out Maria Sulkin (Unedible). She'll let anyone sleep on top of her for a couple of bucks.
3.Take a tip from freeloaders like Kevin 'LA BITCH' Strap-on & Will 'The Mooch' Millender & move back in with your parents. (Of course the two mommas boys mentioned never moved out-they have spent their whole life sucking at the teat of their mothers.)
4.Give Sean 'Flash' Gordon a call. I hear he's got an empty bedroom now.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Too Hot To Handle

I have never eaten a hot chili pepper in my life.And I never will.
I came as close as I ever did yesterday at East New York Farms annual Hot Chili Pepper Eating Contest.
East New York Farms Project organizes youth & adults to address food justice in our community by promoting local sustainable agriculture & community-led economic development, & yes I just copied that off their website

I woke up in the morning thinking, "Yeah, I can eat hot peppers...if I get drunk enough!" Turns out I can't get that drunk.Plus, my breakfast of a chicken patty topped with melted mozzarella cheese(& a dash of white pepper) gave me some serious stomach pains.Imagine if I ate a hot pepper?
The guy who won, Alba, looked very familiar to me.I think I went through Central Booking with him.(If I didn't I apologize, Alba.)
I hadn't been to Brooklyn in months & had a good time with the friendly folks there.Maybe next time I'll work up the courage to actually eat a pepper!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

This Is How Dirtbag Perverts Live:

Do you know what this video tells me?That this loser has completely given up hope of ever getting laid again.If you're a single guy you absolutely HAVE to keep your place clean-you never know when you're going to meet someone & bring her home.
Here, as promised, are some of the comments this monster has sent me:
Your mother sucks cocks in hell u guinea bastard---I fucked your niece up the ass wanna see the video?Her pussy smelled like you 2 inch dick---i just saw the video of seiken sucking your momma cock after she had her sex change operation---i sucked your mama ass the other day and it tasted real good
There's many more, but they are basically the same thing.It's obvious this putz has a very limited vocabulary & he is completely talentless & non-creative.
I almost feel sorry for him because I know these put-downs come out of jealousy.
He is so jealous of my musical talent, my good looks, my writing ability, & everything else that I can do & he can't that he has to resort to childish name-calling & posting lies about me.
I just laugh it off
As Hammer said, "Can't Touch This!"

Sunday, September 30, 2012


I apologize in advance for the pictures you are about to see.It's because they are of the most disgusting thing on the face of the Earth.
A subhuman pervert named Brian Seiken.
It's already well known that he's the biggest coward & liar on this planet so let's focus today on what a sickie this dirtbag is.
OCT. 2: For starters, here are some of the comments this creep has sent to me:
He's called me "dick sucking faggot, pathetic homeless faggot, queero, toothless homeless faggot, balding homo, faggot motherfucker[doesn't even make sense], stink breath weirdo, ugly fagg" & endless variations on these themes.
First of all, I was homeless for about 2 seconds after I got out of jail.I walked the streets for 3 days & nights trying to decide if I was going to carry out my plan to get revenge against another competitive eater who shall remain nameless.My sister begged me to live with her in Long Island & finally realizing I couldn't go through with it I called her & she drove in to pick me up.(It's all in my book, 'The Sweet Stalker', soon to be published).
I have lived for the past two years in Queens, near the Nassau County border in a cozy little apartment(my roommate moved out more than a year ago).I would bet everything I own that my place is, if not bigger, certainly cleaner than where this dirtbag lives.
COMING TOMORROW: The perverted things Seiken has written about my mother & other family members.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Be Happy-Don't Sulkin!

Hey guys, how would you like to wake up in the morning next to this?

I think I'd rather have my nuts cut off!
The good news is I hear she's now available for parties-where she will shove hot dogs in the orifice of your choosing.
Call Maria Sulkin at 973-473-4549 & you too can be part of the UnEdible Experience!
UPDATE:I just heard Pat(Deep Dirt) is dating Maria(The Incredible Walking Blow-Job)Sulkin.
This is why Pat will never be #1.Joey dates nice girls, Pat dates prostitutes.Let's face it, that girl would sell her ass for a hot dog if it got her some attention.That's how it is when you have no talent-she can't sing, can't dance, can't act, what the fuck can she do?
She doesn't have a good enough face to be a real model so she has to pay people to take pictures of her & pretend to be a "local celebrity".

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Public Enemy # 1

I wrote a response to a comment on EatFeats but of course OJ wouldn't post it.Here's what I wrote:
A ticket scalper is not a ticket broker.Ticket brokers pay taxes.Menchetti is a scalper.He doesn't pay taxes on his illegally gained $.Watch his audition for America's Got Talent & check out the guilty look on his face when he has to lie to the celebrity panel about his profession.Are you out there IRS?This guy needs an audit RIGHT NOW.
  Ticket scalpers are the lowest scum on the face of the Earth.They are unessecary and contribute nothing to society except to put $ in their own pocket.Makes you wonder how a person could sink so low that the only way they could make a buck is to cheat people out of their hard earned dough.But this is what people who have absolutely no talent, no skill, do.They are scrape the bottom of the barrel bottom feeders.They are creatively void robbers. But hey, fat bastards have to feed their fat families, right?                                                                                                                                                     Joe Menchetti is a criminal.A two-bit criminal, but a criminal, nonetheless.
  But the word that describes him best is cheater.
  We've already established he cheats the government by making money illegally & not paying taxes on it.
How about those contest winnings?Does anybody think he pays taxes on those?
And how do you think he wins those contests?
Someone who has known him for many years tells me the only reason he does so well in eating contests is because he has found the perfect combination of muscle relaxers, steroids,laxative, & Viagra.Without the aid of his 'eater's cocktail' he would be just another fat slob.
He also cheats on his wife any chance he gets.
I have witnessed him trying to pick up any hole that can stand his stench.
I'll never forget a teary eyed CE groupie telling me G-Joe said he was gonna leave his wife for her.I told her that's what all cheaters say but she insisted they were in love.
How'd that work out for you, SJS?
When last we heard she was still waiting for the louse to leave his fat, disgusting wife.
I shouldn't goof on Tracey, she deserves as much pity as you could spare, I mean after all she pays the bills in the household while her hygiene challenged hubby uses his ill gotten $ to wine & dine & try to convince any dumb broad he can that he's a big shot.
  So let's summarize:
He cheats the general public, he cheats the government, he cheats at eating contests & he cheats on his wife.

Yeah, he's a real Gentleman.LOL
COMING SOON:complete transcripts of my facebook conversation with MenCheater...

The Last Rose Of Summer

To everyone who clicked this link hoping to read something horrible, here it is:
            YOU'VE BEEN PLAYED!
The post that was previously here was written for a very specific reason:To push your buttons.
I knew that upon reading it some seiken would post the link on EatFeats.
I also knew that some self sanctified holier than thou asshole would condemn it.
'The Real Deal' indeed!
I've said it before & I'll say it again:Competitive Eating is the lowest form of entertainment & people who follow it are the dumbest folks in the world.
I hope to make fun of each & every one of you in the future.(I should live so long.)
What really makes me laugh is there was 2 big contests this week & my sources tell me I was the major topic of conversation at both of them.
Nobody cares who won cannolis or dumplings or whatever.
They want the dirt.
The low down filthy dirt.
And I am going to bring it to you.

Stay tuned, Shitheads!
P.S. The reason 'Gentleman' Joe Mencheater lost yesterday was because of me.He was so busy looking around to see where I was he couldn't concentrate.THE CURSE OF GAVONNE LIVES! I am going to write an expose on him soon that will make that two-bit ticket scalping crook cry.Take a shower, G-Jo U STINK!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Every month CE Confidential will feature one of the most interesting competitive eaters & get down deep with them.Coming soon:'Gentleman " Joe Menchetti * Joel "The Cannon" Podelsky * & many more!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

LA Beast:"I Am Retarded"

story coming soon...on second thought,this bore is not worth writing about
UPDATE: My initial thoughts about this jerk-off was right.He's not even a man, he's just another Millender; a freeloader who lives with his parents, I've seen douche bags like him before.Guys, (actually he's just a kid,) who don't have a creative bone in their body so they have to resort to competitive eating to get some attention.He makes stupid videos trying to do Jackass type stunts, then blows any $ he makes on drugs & drinking-yes, that's right-he's the male version of Maria (Unedible) Sulkin!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Whole Truth & Nothing But The Truth

Hello & welcome 2 Competitive Eating Confidential.If u love competitive eating u r gonna love this blog.I am an eater & writer who has been in contests with Major League Eating,All Pro Eating, & many independent & some weird & wild contests.I am going 2 let u in on the secrets that the corporate scumbags don't want u 2 know.I am going 2 reveal all!.